August 27, 2013
Week Three: The Letter C
Well. We’ve made it through another week, somehow. It was actually pretty laid back until today. Took the girls to run errands, then the nurse called back and said it might be a good idea to bring Lucy in for the swollen bump on her arm (just a little infection, nearly healed, so no need to worry), and so we spent two hours at the urgent care clinic. At lunch time. And I still have to go pick up the medicine, since it wasn’t ready when we went and I wasn’t up to entertaining the girls any longer. But we made it through lunch, and I’ve got the cranberry cookies in the oven.
Next we drop the girls with “Aunt B” so Craig and I can go to the first True Fasting meeting, which will be our Friday afternoons pretty much until Thanksgiving. Then it’s to the Verrett’s for a back to school party. If I’m still awake. But like I said, the rest of the week was calmer.
We made C’s and clouds out of cotton balls (Sam made a bird nest instead. You know Sam!) Lucy worked on writing out number words and cursive, which was her favorite thing to do this week.
This week’s reading included:
illustrated by Barbara Cooney-
Emma by Wendy Kesselman